Monday 13 February 2012

Last night we had a major catstrophe, the internet shut down!  Like caged animals we were disconnected from the outside world, and then the phone rang and reminded me that there is still a world outside of cyber existance.  Today is -20 and windy, apparently -32 with the windchill which equals Brrrrrrrr.   Our house however is appx +28.5 with the woodstove and so we are all quite cozy.  Thankfully Mother Nature seems to be over her Dysantry of the other night but is now having some sort of temper tantrum.  The snow accumulation has added to the bumper at the bottom of Grace's Sliding Speedway which, if nothing else makes me slightly less paranoid about the possibility of a rerun performance of our sledding adventures from the other day.  We avoided becomming Shack Wacky by renting a couple of classic Disney cartoons and creating Grace's long awaited evening at the spa with an Aloe Vera Mud Mask to clean and tighten pores and cucumber slices over the eyes to reduce puffiness and lines and brighten her look overall .  After careful application and a nano-second of sitting with the gooey mess on her face she decided that it was quite disgusting and had me rinse it off, only to repeat the process today.  She is now the most relaxed, young looking, most vibrant and refreshed 4yr old around.



All of our livestock have been in the barns out of the weather, they seem less concerned by the storm then we are and do not seem nearly as happy to be in as we are to have them there.  This morning our puppy Max was dancing at the door to go out, when I opened the door to reveal a 2 foot snowdrift packed up against it he took once look and bolted back to his kennel.  When I forced him out into the cold he more or less stood in the doorway and aimed, not going any further then absalutely necessary.


It seems as though Max may well of been the only one of us effected by Cabin Fever, typically well behaved, quiet and docile, he had "one of those days".  The kind of day when he just couldn't stay out of trouble.  We had Jamie's family over for Roast Chicken dinner with all the fixings and as it turned out, we were a whiskers length away from just having "the fixings", I turned from my fervent Gravy stirring just in time to see Max with both front paws on the counter jaws poised and ready to take out his roasted pray.  After time out in his kennel he proved his repentance by steeling whatever snacks he could from Bethany (who quite willingly shares with him) and then demolished Grace's foam football.



Homemade Sausage Stuffing

This recipe is a family favourite with our Roast Chicken Dinners, however I tend to be a "little bit of this and a little bit of that" kind of cook, so I'll try to post amounts but I find a good deal of it is personal taste.

6 Breakfast Sausages (Decased, Crumbled and Cooked)
1 Loaf of Bread (I typically use a full loaf of Homemade White Bread, but whatever is on had works, yesterday I had leftover Whole Wheat Keisar and Sub Buns which worked great) Butter and Cube bread then bake until golden brown and crunchy.
2 medium potatos cooked
1/4 cup White Onion
3-4 tbsp Summer Savory
2-3 tbsp Vegetable Seasoning
1-2tsp Thyme
1tsp Garlic Powder
1/4 cup Butter Melted
1-1 1/2 cups Chicken Stock (or water)

Mix all ingredients except Chicken Stock, add chicken stock in portions until desired moisture is achieved, I typically use 1 1/4 cups for regular White Bread.  I don't bother stuffing my chicken (I add other seasoning to the chicken while cooking it.) so after mixing my stuffing I put it in the oven to brown up before serving, appx 10-15 minutes at 350 degrees.



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