Sunday 5 February 2012

"I just laughed so hard I tooted, that's how rewounded I am"  This fast breaking news flash just in from Grace as she is trying desperately to juggle three tennis balls while Max is darting back and forth and catching her misses, which with each one she exclaims "Shiver me timbers and pull my beard".  The fact that she is standing in the livingroom sporting only a red juice mustache and underpants completes the effect.

Sunday, Lord's day, family day, a day to slow down, worship our Lord and Saviour and enjoy time as a family.  It begins the same most every week, with the jolting realization that I've overslept and need to hustle to get everyone ready for Morning Meeting.  From there on out it becomes a free for all of franticly flying skirts, hair, and hats as I race up and down the hallway dodging kids and leaping over pets (and vice versa) to get myself and the girls dressed, us all fed, and the diaper and activity bags packed as well as our contribution to the after meeting snack. Jamie makes a flying trip out to the barn, checks over the livestock and lets the horses out, then readies himself for the day. 

Grace has finally, for the most part, come through her days of morphing into a writhing, reeling, grabbing, screeching creature of the deep while at meeting, and generally sits quietly with her friends and entertains herself with her activity bag.  The realization (and appreciation)  for this evolution is always apparent to me as Jamie and I tag team Bethany and try to contain her writhing tentacles from enveloping the person next to us and consuming them and/or anything they are holding or wearing.  Sometime just before the bread and wine are passed our arms generally give out and she ups the anty to include blowing rasberries at anyone within range, giggling hysterically and screeching like a caged animal.  The end result there being one of us sitting in the nursery with an exhausted Bethany frantically trying to evade sleep, and left to wonder why it is that something so tired can move so fast.

We spent the rest of today enjoying a wonderful (and long overdue) feast and visit with good friends in their lovely and, thanks to an over zelous woodstove, tropical home.

We came home with two tuckered out girlies and to an extremely excited and lonely puppy who forgot how badly he had to pee as he sprung out of his kennel to see us, but was abruptly reminded by the puddle he wound up in on the floor.  Grace quickly found her zest again and headed straight out for some sledding with some friends on the lane while Jamie did up his evening chores and headed back to evening meeting, alone.  I cryed Uncle and kept the girls home for an early night to bed.

I am now sitting in our little home wondering how it is that our house seems to get messier the less time we spend in it.  Jamie and Grace are sharing a bedtime snack of popcorn as he tells her a wimsical little story about a little boy that ate so much popcorn and drank so much pop that he exploded and all his innards flew out........pleasant dreams everyone.........

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