Monday 2 April 2012

The Man In The Car, as he's been dubbed by our family in the last 24 hours, was first made known to us last night by way of his on coming headlights from out of the darkness.  Headlights that, in ordinary circumstances, would have their own special place on the road, and yet as they approached, just didn't look right.  We were returning home last evening after a wonderful visit with my parents, and as Jamie began slowing our car in preparation to turn onto our road it became apparent that those headlights were less in their special place, and more in ours. As Jamie swerved to avoid a collision, The Man In The Car became "The Idiot In The Car" and we all breathed a sigh of thanks that the potential catastrophe was averted.  As we drove on, Jamie kept watch, in the rear view mirror, at the slowly disappearing taillights, which as they continued on further into the night switched dramatically from side by side to one on top the other, and since I was not watching the episode unfold, was slightly taken aback when my somewhat pensive (for that moment) husband releases a resounding "Oh, He's in the Rhubarb!"

My first reaction was to giggle (which is what the expression always makes me do), then as I looked behind us through the rear window, at the car that was quite apparently on it's side in a very deep ditch, "The Idiot In The Car" suddenly became "The Man In The Car" that likely needs our help.  Turning our car around, with Grace prattling on in panic stricken jibber jabber, we pulled up alongside of him and Jamie stepped out, peered down into his passenger side window, hollered a few times and received no response, he was clearly breathing but non-responsive, so Jamie dialed 911. 

Grace, as she so matter of factly shares with everyone, has been "having issues with the cops these days" while the statement makes her sound like a 4yr old fugitive just trying to out run the law, she's been waking often having had nightmares involving the police, and often Firemen and Ambulances too.  We have spent countless time explaining to her the important roll they play in our community, receiving a very receptive and appreciative response from Grace, only to have her, moments later, asking if she is going to be arrested for some misdemeanour or another, or if Firefighters take kids from burning buildings and put them in jail.  So when she over heard Jamie and I discussing that the police and ambulance would arrive soon her jibber jabber turned into a frenzied high pitched squeal which blended perfectly with the approaching sirens.  As the rescue vehicles arrived Grace, who was working very hard to hold onto her faculties, attempted her best nonchalant voice and asked if people who got in accidents went to jail.  When I answered no and that everyone was there to help The Man In The Car, she asked if people who seen accidents went to jail.  Realising where this was going, and that in her 4yr old mind, Grace assumed she'd been an accessory to a crime, I again answered with a reassuring "No, Honey of course not, this is all only about The Man In The Car and getting him out safely".  This seemed to appease her for the moment when, in a very thin voice she asked "What about Kids that see accidents, do they go to jail?"  Finally, changing the subject, I managed to distract her by explaining the scene unfolding before our car.  At final tally, our call to 911 enlisted the rescue efforts of 2 Fire Departments (apparently we are on the border of jurisdiction and both departments answered the call) whom dispatched a total of 6 trucks, 2 Ambulance vehicles and 1 over taxed Police Officer, who along with his partner, was the only one on call for our end of the Island that night. 

I couldn't help but be amazed that anyone can remain calm and oriented under so many flashing lights and still, the scene was perfectly choreographed as some Firemen directed traffic and moved rescue vehicles around as barricades, and others worked with the Jaws of Life to remove the entire passenger side of the car, door posts and all, to make it easier to lift the still unresponsive victim onto a stretcher.  Grace switched back and forth, from asking me to recap with a play by play of what she could see plainly in front of us, and giving me a play by play of what I could see plainly in front of us.  Finally after about an hour The Man In The Car became The Man In The Ambulance and was whisked off to the hospital.  Jamie was asked to give a statement, being the one that called in the accident and upon speaking with the Police Officer learned that The Man In The Car was under the influence of unknown substance and they(The RCMP) had spent the evening looking for him. 

In the end, the experience in itself was positive for Grace as she was able to see how the people she has been so scared of are so helpful and necessary in our community.  Until last night, even though we'd told her, she hadn't truly considered that they are all members of our community, she was amazed at how many of them she knew and kept exclaiming, "Wow! I didn't know So and So was a Firemen!".  It was incredible to see how quickly our call was responded to considering a large portion of our Rescue Team would have to travel from their homes to the Department and then to the accident scene.  While the circumstances were less then desirable, and we have kept The Man In The Car in our prayers throughout the day, it was a privilege to see how well our Rescue Volunteer's operate and they are to be commended.

Our week, like most others, flew by with the typical day to day activities, it often seems as though we go to bed on Monday and wake up the following one wondering what in the world we did all week. Jamie went with his brother to a Heavy Equipment Show on Friday, so the girls and I struck out for Charlottetown to do some spring cloths shopping.  We lucked out on our finds and Grace chose the MacDonalds Playhouse for what she calls our ladies lunch, where she played more then she ate and offered her Playground Monitoring services to anyone she didn't think was playing by the rules.

I've been weighing in weekly as part of a weight loss challenge with some friends and was down 3lbs last week, making it a total of 8lbs since I really started working on it about 6 weeks ago.  I've started back to running and while it's still pretty slow, wheezy, spitty, I'm getting there and can't wait to build myself up to where I can enjoy it again.

The calves are starting to arrive and we had a set of healthy, strong twins born the a couple of days ago.  It took a while for the Mamma to accept both as her own but is doing well with them now.  Jamie is trucking for a couple of days with a farm that was unable to harvest their corn in the fall and are able to get it now, so Grace and I are on farm duties putting in hay and checking on potential calvers.  She is out with Jamie more then I am and uses this to her advantage, ceasing the opportunity to tell me exactly "How Daddy does things".

Miss Bethany continues to fight whatever cold/flu she has been off and on for about 6 weeks.  She is fine for a few days, then her sinuses fill up again, her tummy gets upset and so on, so tomorrow I will take her back to the doctor to find out what is up as she seems to be backsliding a bit again today.  She is her ever happy self, full of giggles and smiles even when she is throwing up or fevered, it never ceases to amaze me how she remains so happy.  She is walking and now running all over the place and developing her little character all the more these days, showing her inherent desire to tease those around her and make them laugh.  Or scream in Grace's case.

That about sums up our excitement for the past week, I hope everyone enjoys a wonderful week ahead and as Grace loves to quote "Catch ya on the flip side!"



2 Pkgs Jello of your choice (2 different flavours, we like lime and cherry)
1tub Cool Whip
3 cups 7-Up
1 cup Sour Cream
Graham Crust

Prepare Graham Crust for a deep 9 x13 casserole dish and set aside.  Dissolve 1 pkg Jello with 1/2 cup boiling water then add 1 1/2 cups 7-Up and 1/4 tub Cool Whip, let set until firm.  Dissolve next pkg Jello with 1/2 cup Boiling water then add 1 1/2 cups 7-Up, 1/4 tub Cool Whip and 1 cup Sour Cream, allow to set until firm and top with remaining Cool Whip.  This is pretty straight forward, my only suggestion is to allow your first layer to set completely in the fridge before adding the next one as it will float and mix with the other layer causing it not to set properly.  The Cool Whip will separate somewhat from the Jello causing a creamy layer and a more Jelloey layer to each flavour with a zap of fizz.

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