Friday 2 March 2012

Me: "Grace, why won't my bedroom door open?"
Grace: "Oh!  Because I boobie trapped it."
Me: "Grace you have to let me out"
Grace: "No I don't"
Me (while yanking on the door): "Let me out now."
Grace:  "Only if you have to pee"
Me: "Grace, I really have to pee"
Grace (running away) "NO YOU DON'T!!"

So, after pulling the "Let Me Out Now or The Life Sized Lion You Love So Much Is Moving Out" card, Grace set me free.  Once again, her days are being spent setting snares in any random spot throughout our house and waiting for unsuspecting passersby.  While this is a superb exercise to hone her skill for patience, it does very little for my own, and yet, somehow I find myself  helping her with various knots and in finding certain supplies.


After a couple of nights with relatively uninterrupted sleep, our family has settled our bubble back to it's usual side of plum.  The girls are sleeping better for the time being and have returned to their happily mischievous selves, and after draping Max's kennel with a large blanket at night, he too seems to rest better and has given up his early morning Orchestras, which has bought him "another night indoors".


Wednesday was one of those perfect days, the kind of day that is easy to be thankful for and you can't help but step outside and inhale.  Grace and I seized the day and headed out with Tilly in the sleigh, the fresh, glistening powder made the ride soundless and tranquil, and after a wonderful ride in through the wood path, we both came back completely rejuvenated.



Miss Bethany is officially walking, well, 3-4 steps and then falling, and she's climbing too.  But, where once everything 2ft off the ground wasn't safe, the height has now doubled and we've found ourselves in the next stage of baby proofing.

Jamie has been slowly getting our old White Tractor back together and as always, finds lots to do around the farm.  He has also been working in the woods a couple of hours a day trying to grow our pile of lumbar for our new house, it is growing, but it's slow work on his own, I'm hoping to get out and help some over the next while.  Jamie has found that lately there is more then enough around here to keep him busy, and has decided not to return to his seasonal off the farm work, the decision lasted until the phone rang this morning, he starts trucking tomorrow.  This will only last about a week this year though, so not too bad at all.

My goal for next week is to complete our Income Tax paperwork, this is a task that I continue to procrastinate with, and although it really isn't too big of a deal, I also procrastinate the job throughout the year, which only causes it to manifest, which only causes me to procrastinate more.....In any event, hopefully by next week that Band-Aid will have been yanked off.


Homemade Granola Cereal

Our family's favourite cereal, delicious, nutritious, filling and easy to add or omit your favourite grains, dried fruits, etc..  Grace loves to help with all the pouring and mixing.

8 cups Rolled Oats
1/2 cup Wheat Germ
1/2 cup Bran
1 pkg (100 grams) Sliced Almonds
2 tsp Vanilla
1 tsp Salt

Mix together in large bowl and set aside and mix the following into a smaller, microwave safe, bowl, I use a 2 cup measuring cup.

1/4 cup Oil
1 cup Honey
1/4 cup Molasses
1/4 cup Brown Sugar

Heat the liquids in microwave until melted and mixed well together (about 2 minutes), then allow to cool.

Once liquids have cooled pour them into the dry ingredients and mix well by hand.  Pour onto cookie sheets and bake 15-20 minutes at 250 degrees stirring every 5 minutes.  When golden brown, pour back into mixing bowl to cool, stir a couple of times to keep the Granola from sticking together (it will form a big block if not stirred) once cooled add 2 cups raisins or other dried fruit.

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