Tuesday 31 January 2012

Here It Is!!

I believe everyday is an adventure, a journey of sorts. Buried somewhere deep in the dark recesses of my mind (or gray recesses really)is the notion that no matter the journey, there is always some sort of humour in it.  Or at least something to be sneered or scoffed at.

My life is an expedition in which I seldom end up where I thought I was going. Perhaps if I could remember that God is my GPS, I would arrive at my unexpected destination in slightly better condition then I typically do.  The end result then is not having prayed for guidance on my journey, but rather praying for my sanity and a healthy sleep pattern to return.

It seems to me that if I am living I am learning, and so I find myself blundering through my days as a Stay At Home Mom (to Grace age 4....(more like 40 as you will find out), Bethany age 9 months) and Farm Wife to my husband Jamie, with all the grace and glamour of a Hippo in Glass Slippers.  While there are days in my synical mind in which it seems there are more "May aswell laugh as cry" moments then there are "True blue belly laugh" moments, I believe it is possible to morph the two and wear those slippers with pride.

And so friends, it is here, in this New-To-Me World of Cyber Existance in which I will share with you our daily adventures as a family aspiring to define our own variation of functional, and our experiences as a Red Dirt Farm Family

1 comment:

  1. I'm trying to figure out how to comment!! Great blog Maggie! Keep up the good work!
